
Pillar 1

Pillar 1: Theological Training

Gain Knowledge
The first pillar of the School of Ministry is Theological Training. We want students to gain knowledge in what it means to be a disciple of Christ and a leader in his Kingdom.

Theological training is primarily accomplished through our class time. This is in a big room setting where all tracks will be together. Assignments, reading material, and video content will also be given to play a part in the process of theological training.
Pillar 1

Pillar 2: Spiritual Formation

Go Deeper with Christ
The second pillar of the School of Ministry is Spiritual Formation. We desire for students to grow in a deeper and more intimate walk with Christ as they learn what it means to be a disciple.

Students will be given opportunities to foster growth in their walk with Christ through our bi-weekly Chapel Gatherings. It is in these gatherings that we will worship and read scripture together. Students will also meet weekly with someone who will disciple them. This is a place where, not only questions can be asked regarding ministry, but also other life questions.
Pillar 1

Pillar 3: Ministry Application

Hands on Experience
The third pillar of the School of Ministry is Ministry Application. We desire for students to put into practice in real-time what they are learning.

This looks different depending on what ministry you specialize in. Ministry leaders will be responsible for giving you opportunities to grow and use your gifts in the church.